Two of our hives are currently being used as part of a pollination study at Lincoln University. So these hives, located at the Bio-husbandry...

Watching bees in slow motion

By | Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Leave a Comment
Two of our hives are currently being used as part of a pollination study at Lincoln University. So these hives, located at the Bio-husbandry Unit, have pollen catchers installed. Looking at the pollen, there's a surprising and pleasing variety of colours: shades of orange, yellow, brown and purple. Up close, the pollen almost look like lollies.

Over the weekend we inspected a few of the hives, wanting to ensure that they had plenty of space for honey store whilst the weather is warm and the stream of bees still prodigious. A few needed an additional super (honey box). We took  the opportunity to video the bees in slo-mo, using an iPhone 5S, going in and out of the hive. See if you can spot the different coloured pollen on their legs.

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